Femoral Hernia

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When fat inside the abdomen or a loop of intestine protrudes through the femoral canal, a weakened spot near the groin, it’s called a femoral hernia. With age, the tissues around the femoral canal may become weak. Straining can contribute to the weakening of the muscle walls. Factors that can lead to overstraining include obesity, constipation, chronic cough, heavy lifting, difficulty in urination due to enlarged prostate. A femoral hernia appears as a bulge near the upper thigh. The bulging may become worse and can cause pain with straining. Femoral hernias are often located close to the hip bone and may cause hip pain.

If the hernia gets strangulated, patients may experience more severe symptoms that include sudden sharp groin pain, nausea and vomiting. Strangulated femoral hernias require immediate medical attention.

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